Crate grab model TKA
Capacity 250 kg
Theeasy-handling crategrab,whichgrabsontheside plates or thefront sides of the crate, transports crates safely and without damaging them.
The moveable jaws press the edge of the crate gently againsttheoutsidegrabsupportrails.Stacking boxes madeofsteelorplasticwill notgetdeformed.Afterthe boxhasbeensetdown,thesafetydeviceholdsthegrab open.
Whenliftingthecrateandgrabbingthesupportrails,the safetydevicemustbemanuallypulled backuntilitlies overthe safety bolt.With further lifting, the jaws grab undertheoutertopedgeofthecrateandliftitupsafely.
The crate grab is available as an external or internal operating grab.

Technical Specification ...