Sling Information

All sling working load limits are based on items being in
acceptable condition for use per ASME B30,9, OSHA 1910.184 and the
manufacturer's recommendations.
Rigging equipment is subject to misuse and wear. It is required by ASME and OSHA that rigging equipment be inspected on a regular basis by a competent person designated by the employer. Columbus McKinnon Corporation recommends a rigger inspect rigging equipment before each use. Do not use slings or rigging equipment that is damaged or worn beyond the manufactures recommendations. Refer to OSHA and applicable ASME standards for rejection criteria.
WLL’s are based on the following factors:-
1. Type of hitch
2. Material strength
3. Design factor
4. Angle of loading
5. Diameter of curvature (D/d)
6. Fabrication efficiency